Badgers Videos

American Badger Starting the Night Time Hunt.

American Badger starting to hunt.
This video was filmed in conditions where you could not see with the naked eye. Be thankful that after dark you are not a small animal or bird living in a badgers hunting patch.

Badgers Videos

American Badger Digging Den

American Badger in the business of digging a new den. This Badger I ran into was looking to shelter from an oncoming storm front. It is a harsh life in areas where badgers live. Open prairies and grasslands are unsheletered suffering extremes of dry, hot, wet or cold. Beneath the soil these animals can ride it out for a while. I have often found Taxidea Taxus already in their den area but to find one digging its home is very special.

Badgers Photography Videos Wildlife

American Badger Hunting Gopher

Recently I was able to observe a American Badger (Taxidea Taxus) during a rare day time foraging expedition. The video posted here taken while it was hunting a Pocket Gopher shows the method to its success. Using its superb auditory sense it listens to the gophers movements underground. Shortening the escape route each end by back filling its digs all while the odds tighten for the rodent. Once the gopher is in centered sights it is all over and the badger makes short work of its meal. It appears as if the badger will remove the skin and head first in a similar way that rabbits are skinned for consumption. Well it did in this case. My guess and it’s just a guess that this makes it easier to pass the indigestible fur and skull through its system. But hey I guess some scientist somewhere knows the facts. I will be posting a full story here @ soon. You will want to stay tuned to see what this badger found for dessert a little later on during the incredible journey into this badgers world.