Uncategorized Wildlife

The THIRTY DAYS of April

The world for humans and their social interactions has changed forever! Undeniable fact. What we knew as normal before has gone the way of the Dodo. Our lives have been changed in ways we don’t even fully understand yet. It basically happened overnight and without our approval. We did nothing wrong so it is a very confusing concept. I don’t want to spin wheels right now on who is to blame as we need to work together to find solutions and find our feet once again. BUT let us have a quick think about where to start the fix when we do get back to business. Now this pandemic was initiated in one of two ways, maybe three. 1/ The Wuhan Virus was a man made manipulated version of the coronavirus and was a)mistakenly or b)purposely unleashed into the world. (Conspiracy theorists believe it was for nefarious reasons by the Chinese Government.) 2/ The virus developed and mutated in some animal, maybe a pangolin, bat or snake that was consumed and crossed the bridge to humans. 3/ And most probable is that Horseshoe Bats being used in studies in one of two bio-labs in Wuhan found there way into meat market were it then ran rampant. Basically reason 1part A. We will most likely never know the full truth. It doesn’t matter really but what does is the way it passed on to the human species. With a little research you will quickly find your answer in gruesome videos and information about WET MARKETS. For those of you (and there are very many) who will refuse to actually view the reality of such disgusting practices I’ll paint a picture for your imagination of the most vile examples. Blood flooded floors and walls with all types animals, birds, reptiles, fish crammed in cages and containers. Squirming, shivering, dejected, suffering, trembling and terrified creatures of all sorts. Dogs and cats crammed in cages with a dead example laid across the top for display often dripping blood on those waiting to die. Horrible unfeeling, hardened men and women. Some smiling at the camera, cigarette in mouth while blow torching the fur, hair and or feathers off creatures both dead and alive. Chopping blocks, knives and clever used multiple times without cleaning and soaked with bodily fluids. Gut piles, feces, urine and muck left in unsanitary situations cross contaminating everything in the area. Had enough… I think we have.

Now as much as the scene I set is disgustingly from the dark ages and even darker for those poor creatures and what they endure I believe this was the way the virus passed on to humans. Really it solidifies the fact that we are just animals and this may be earths way of lightening its parasitic load. If it turns out to be that reason one, part b (purposely unleashed) is true we will enter territory that is even blacker than a hell hole wet market in a desperate third world communist back country slum town. Regardless cross border dealings globally and particularly with China are heading for turbulent times. Of course we all should want everyone in this world to get along together and change course. We have to now as the damage is done. And let me be perfectly clear here. My belief is this is a Natural Disaster on a mammoth scale with an unknown outcome. Will we need to wear space suits on earth?

Apparently these markets were stopped at the end of January but have since been reopening. The Chinese Communist Party I’m sure knowing that no amount of propaganda will change minds to the horrors of such practices might have turned a blind eye to hungry people who have been quarantined for some months. Let me address those who will want to tell me that because we consume cows, pigs, chickens it’s no different than peoples eating cats and dogs. It is in many ways different and you all damn well know it. The greater percentage of our population does not act inhumanely or in disregard to health requirements for our consumption of livestock. There are other arguments regarding animal intelligence and consuming animals based products. I’m not going there. Where I’m going is the dangerous and life threatening consumption behaviors of these east asian countries that has now affected us and brought the world to its knees. I’m not going to forget and will be making sure to prompt our governments in holding them accountable. Banning or outlawing Wet Markets, enforcing sanctions in the trade of wild animals and strangling the black market that supports it in China will be a great start. We will get to cutting the tentacles off wildlife poaching on the African continent at a later date! Maybe we should also look at our food supply here also. The human to animal bridge is crossed and we have seen how devastating and contagious these viruses can be. Eating any animal could unleash another strain. We already seen bird flu, swine flu and you might remember mad cow disease. None of these crossed to humans in such a manner that this current plague has nor bought the planet to a screeching halt! However the penalty for all the animals was the same, death.

Okay folks I’m back and have those thoughts out of my system. I will be writing a lot more in my spare moments. I have a few subjects that might touch deep nerves but at this point why hold back. We still don’t know where this all unfolds and what it looks like at the other side. In the meantime stay healthy, follow the governments recommendations and stay the fuk at home!

2 replies on “The THIRTY DAYS of April”

I’m not a big Bill Maher fan but I know exactly the type of bullshit you get from people whom want to be PC victims. I penned this piece long before anyone started getting offended. Thanks to Bill for telling the truth and opening the lid to see some complete stupidity. I won’t be forgetting the people whom attacked me anytime soon!

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