Aussie Wild Photography River Otters Videos

Urban Otter Time

I’ve spent a bit of time this year in the local wetlands of San Francisco Bay north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The watershed of Mount Tamalpais flows into the bucket of the bay and past one of the worlds most notorious prisons. Wildlife here intermixes with urban housing, highways, waterways,bridges and people. River Otters are masters of negotiating this complex system that is rife with dangers. After seeing one get hit by a car and take its last breath one rainy winters night I’ve watched out and spotted them at every chance. The four youngsters in this video are the current ruffians running the creeks. If you enjoy the video please subscribe to my channel.

Cheers Randall

Badgers Videos

American Badger Starting the Night Time Hunt.

American Badger starting to hunt.
This video was filmed in conditions where you could not see with the naked eye. Be thankful that after dark you are not a small animal or bird living in a badgers hunting patch.

Aussie Wild Photography Bobcats Photography Thule Elk Wildlife

The things you see!

When observing the wildlife at Point Reyes I get to see snippets of behavior between species. Most involve predator prey interactions or what is called circle of life. Recently I was watching a bobcat hunt. He had worked his way up a hillside close to a herd of tule elk. After picking a gopher hole reasonably close to them he hovered over the top waiting for his opportunity to pounce on a rodent. Watching him through binoculars I did not pay any attention to the elk. That is until one appeared in the glass running. I dropped the binos and grabbed the camera as a bull elk came charging at the bobcat. He really did seem to want a piece of that cat! Now I’m sure you like me are looking at the size difference in this photo and wondering what the heck is this big guy worried about? I’ve got no answers, maybe some assumptions but whatever I think was happening doesn’t matter. The elk chased him off and returned some distance back to his mates. The things you see!

Elk chasing off bobcat
Elk chasing off bobcat